The typical sellers 'market, buyers' market, balanced market, deformed sellers 'market and deformed buyers' market have different characteristics in the structure factors and the run-mechanism; 典型卖方市场、典型买方市场、均势市场、畸型卖方市场、畸型买方市场在构成要素和运行机制上有不同的特征;
Customer Relationship Management satisfies the need of the transition from sellers 'market to buyers' market. But for meeting individual demand of customer, customer relationship management has some structured deficiencies under uncertainty environment. 客户关系管理是顺应市场由卖方市场向买方市场转变而出现的管理模式,但在不确定环境下,为满足顾客的个性化需求,客户关系管理还存在一些先天不足。
Compared to the second-hand house direct exchange market, the second-hand house brokerage market can efficiently save buyers 'and sellers' transaction costs with real estate brokers 'service, so it is a more efficient exchange market. 与二手房直接交易市场相比,二手房经纪市场由于房地产经纪的参与有效降低了买卖双方的交易成本,是一种更为有效的交易市场。
The futuristic market is a sellers 'market 未来的市场是卖方市场&解析创造需求理念
The important influence of marketing strategy to a business's survival or development under condition of market competition being transferred from "sellers 'market" to "buyers' market" for metallurgical businesses in China is discussed. 介绍了中国冶金企业在市场竞争由“卖方市场”向“买方市场”转变的情况下,市场营销策略的优劣对企业生存和发展的重要影响。
Expected by the stock market, the disclosure of the information will cause volatility of sellers 'stock prices in the second market. 由于市场对股权转让行为存在上述预期,当这一消息公布时,势必造成转让股权的公司股票价格在二级市场上的波动。
With the deepening of the reforms of our country's electric power system, the electric power industry has transformed from 'sellers' market to 'buyers' market. 随着我国电力体制改革的不断深入,电力工业从卖方市场开始转向买方市场,发电企业参与竞价上网从而实现资源的优化配置势在必行。
Under the overall circumstances of "the buyers 'market" that the supply surpasses the demand in fields of many commodities and services, the market of the education still remains the least developed "the sellers' market" which actually is in great need of demand. 在绝大多数商品和服务呈现供大于求的买方市场的背景下,教育却依然是最为短缺的卖方市场,此能容纳的教育需求是巨大的。
Based on perfect Bayesian equilibrium, a water right market game model is created. The model discusses water right buyers and sellers 'strategy spaces, sets forth three market equilibrium types, proposes ways to higher market efficiency. 基于完美贝叶斯均衡建立了水权市场博弈模型,分析了买卖双方策略选择空间,阐述了三种市场均衡类型,指出了提高市场效率的方法。